台湾國立科學工藝博物館”劉 志勇先生”にきく



 劉先生には、お礼としてうちわをおくり、たいへん喜んでいただきました。 また、日本から世界に向けて、「交流」という風も吹かせることもできました。



下の文章は劉先生に送った質問といただいた回答です。 謝謝!

 ・What are the advantage point and the faults at wind power?

· Wind is free, wind farms need no fuel.
· Produces no waste or greenhouse gases.
· The land beneath can usually still be used for farming.
· Wind farms can be tourist attractions.
· A good method of supplying energy to remote areas.

· The wind is not always predictable - some days have no wind.
· Suitable areas for wind farms are often near the coast, where land is expensive.
· Some people feel that covering the landscape with these towers is unsightly.
· Can kill birds - migrating flocks tend to like strong winds. Splat!
· Can affect television reception if you live nearby.
· Can be noisy. Wind generators have a reputation for making a constant, low, "swooshing" noise day and night, which can drive you nuts. An entire wind farm makes quite a racket!
Having said that, the small modern wind generators used on boats and caravans make hardly any noise, and as aerodynamic designs have improved, modern wind farms are much quieter.

 ・What kind of aspects are you devised for getting more energy at wind system ?
Sorry, this is not in my research range. But it is absolutely good question.

 ・How high is a windmill's ?
It is depend on your budget. The higher of windmill generator, the more you can carry out the wind power. But it is always expensive.

 ・How is a windmill's propeller's angle better?
It has been developed auto-control of the blade angle of windmill generator.

 ・What is a windmill made of?
Sorry, this is not in my research range. But it is absolutely good question.

 ・Why the propellers are almost white?
Sorry, this is not in my research range. But it is absolutely good question.

 ・how much velocity of the wind can it endure up to?
It is mostly about 3~4m/second velocity of the wind to start windmill in lager wind turbine(600KW).

 ・How much minimum velocity of the wind needs to make it move?
It is mostly above 15m/second velocity of the wind, it should stop in lager wind turbine(600KW).

 ・Which wind can make the more electricity monsoon or gust of wind?
Sorry, this is not in my research range. But it is absolutely good question.

 ・Why wind power generation of propellers is almost there wings?
It can carry out electric power by rotational blade of windmill.

 ・How much percentage of the wind changer into the electricity?
The power coefficient tells you how efficiently a turbine converts the energy in the wind to electricity.

The graph shows a power coefficient curve for a typical Danish wind turbine. Although the average efficiency for these turbines is somewhat above 20 per cent, the efficiency varies very much with the wind speed. (If there are small kinks in the curve, they are usually due to measurement errors).

 ・How much percentage do you take aim at for the future?
It is about 50% in my research in the future.

・ How far the interval of wind power generation do you set up?
Sorry, this is not in my research range. But it is absolutely good question.

 ・How much in the strength of the pinwheel?
Sorry, this is not in my research range. But it is absolutely good question.

 ・How is electricity accumulated?
It can be use accumulator or connect to grid.

 ・Which area is the point that the most numbers of pinwheels are?
Sorry, this is not in my research range. But it is absolutely good question.

 ・How does it spread?
Sorry, this is not in my research range. But it is absolutely good question.

 ・How do you do when electricity cannot be generated because the wind is
too strong?
If the wind is too strong, it should be shut down to avoid damage

 ・What country does build the most wind power generation of all countries?
Like your country , because it located around all over seaside. It is full wind energy.

 ・Do they influence that there are many wind power generation in the country?
This answer as problem 1.
 ・How do you think the need of wind power for getting energy.
I think it can use all kind of blades to obtain wind energy.

 ・What is the reason that you research about wind power?
For all over the world people, we should do something to reduce CO2 exhaust and greenhouse effect. This is why I research wind power reason.

 ・If possible, please tell me about your dream.
To do something is good for people.


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